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The Tan Commandments: Golden Rules on How to Safely Get that Goddess Glow

Summer is the season to be golden. The sun is up and the beach awaits! While living in the Philippines almost always means there’s always a sunny beach somewhere, summer is when we flaunt that sun-kissed glow so everyone’s excited to get baked.

Most people describe tanning as the darkening of skin for aesthetic purposes. But beyond looking like a golden goddess, tanning is actually the process where your skin cells protect the body from ultraviolet rays by releasing melanin. Melanin is the dark pigment that gives skin its color. As the skin gets more exposed to the sun, more melanin is produced as a protective barrier against the sun’s damaging UV rays. The sun is our skin’s worst enemy. A tan may make us look like a bronzed babe, but the UV rays that cause it can also lead to skin cancer, accelerated aging, and hyperpigmentation—very undesirable! 

We highly recommend NOT tanning but if you must, then it is essential to go about tanning the right way, to safeguard your skin against the damage that the sun’s rays can inflict. Here are Calyxta’s golden rules on how to safely achieve that coveted golden glow and making it last all summer.

1. Thou shalt use the right tanning products.

A common tanning myth is that using products with SPF will prevent a tan. Not so! It’s a must to use SPF products since sunscreen protects our skin from cancer-causing UV rays and sunburn. To avoid the confusion, use a sunscreen instead of a sunblock. A tanning oil with at least SPF 15 will also help you get a deep tan without the damage. Best to layer on the sunscreen and let it dry, then follow up with the tanning oil. 

2. Thou shalt exfoliate.

Do this prior to tanning. Sloughing off our dead skin cells before basking in the sun ensures an even tan throughout the body. Don’t exfoliate right after tanning so the tan lasts longer.

3. Thou shalt bake under the sun for just the right amount of time.

Always time your tanning. One to three hours lying under the sun—with generous applications of SPF!—should be enough to achieve that bronzed look. We wouldn’t want to look overcooked and burned, do we? And don’t forget to flip over every 15 minutes to prevent over-tanning just one side of the body. Also, avoid scheduling tanning hour from 11am – 3pm, as that is when the sun is at its harshest.

Please note that your skin type will also determine how long you should be under the sun. Morenas can enjoy the sun far longer than mestizas can. Those with very fair skin should avoid sun exposure altogether. Sometimes even a few minutes under direct sunlight can burn skin!

4. Thou shalt reapply tanning products and SPF.

This is extra important especially after taking a dip in the pool or the ocean. Also, if you applied your SPF and tanning lotion in the morning, it is a must to reapply after a few hours as sweat and lying on a beach towel can remove whatever it was you put on. 

5. Thou shalt hydrate.

Water is essential to avoid dehydration, especially after lying in the heat for hours. Hydrating also prolongs the life span of our skin cells, especially those nicely tanned ones.

6. Thou shalt use after-sun soothing creams.

Not only does it feel extremely soothing and cooling after hours of baking under the sun, it also prevents irritation due to sunburn. Your now golden skin will thank you later.

7. Thou shalt moisturize.

Skin will be parched after intense sun exposure so make sure to slather on moisturizer to prevent that leathery, dry skin. 

8. Thou shalt use a bronzer.

If you’ve been back in the city for a couple of days already and are worried that your tan may be fading, don’t fret. Putting bronzer on the right spots like the forehead, nose, cheekbones, and collarbones helps enhance already tanned skin and recreates that “just came from the beach” look.

9. Thou shalt wear bright colors.

Wearing white or bright colors like hot pink or yellow that contrast with our tanned skin gives the illusion of darker skin. Best to flaunt those tan lines in revealing outfits like tank tops, tubes, or shorts. You can also try bold and bright makeup with your tan! The colors will pop against your dark skin.

10. Thou shalt eat beta carotene.

Studies have shown that eating beta carotene-packed food like carrots, sweet potatoes and kale can give skin a sun-kissed glow from within.

Text by: Yasha Barretto


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