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Mobile Photography Beauty Tips

By: Cat Juan Ledesma

We live in a time when mobile photography is the norm. Where snapping mobile pictures of your daily life (and face) are as common as having eggs for breakfast. Here are some tips we can offer to help your face radiate beauty and good health from all angles of your mobile lens.

Natural Light is Your Best Friend

When possible, choose to take your photos in natural light often between 8:00AM-10:00AM or 3:00PM-5:00PM. The noonday sun can often be a little harsh and anything after sun down can be tricky. Flash photography has a tendency to make skin look pale.

Clean your lens

You’d be surprised by how many people forget to do this simple step. If you don’t clean your phone’s lens before taking your photos, you have the chance of having a hazy or blurred image – not exactly the look many of you were going for.

Download Free Editing Apps

Let’s say you’ve taken a beautiful photo but there’s a giant zit that is threatening to make its debut. Fear not, there are apps like “Touch Retouch” or “Photoshop Fix” that can help with a simple dab or swish of their healing brushes, your zit will vanish for all of history.

Filter Apps

There are many great filter apps that are free or for a minimal fee, can offer you filters that help add some depth and a richer look to your photos. Some apps I think are worth trying out are Snapseed, VSCO Cam, and Afterlight.

Subtle tweaking is key

Once you’ve selected a filter it’s now time to play with your photo through minimal tweaking. The portions you should try adjusting are structure, warmth, ambiance, shadows, highlights, and sharpening. Get a feel of how each action changes the look of your images and adjust accordingly. Remember that many times, less is more.


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