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How to Remove Pimple Marks



By: Xeng Zulueta


“Every ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is the phrase that most applies to zit troubleshooting. If only we can predict a breakout before it happens right? So if it’s too late and your pimple or pimples have completely erupted, fret not. Read on for how to get rid of the pimple marks.


1. Ice cubes

Take a couple of ice cubes in a bowl and go over the red bumps. Ice reduces inflammation therefore assisting in the healing of a pimple. If you do this in time, you wont need to worry about any scarring.

2. No squeezing or picking

Picking at your pimples is the fastest way to infect it and leave a scar. If pus needs to be drained from a zit, see a professional or make sure to go at it slowly, with clean hands and tools.

3. A shot of cortisone

Any invasive type of medication must be done by a dermatologist. A shot of cortisone through a needle through your zit kills the bacteria and inflammation on the spot. This is best for cystic zits, and leaves no scars at all.

5. Load up on SPF

Spot treat your zits with some sunscreen. Nothing makes a scar more obvious than exposing it to the sun.


1. Lemon juice

Squeeze half a lemon and mix juice with three tablespoons of water. With a q-tip carefully seal only the affected areas. Lemon juice stings because of its high acidity but it also is very effective in lightening scars. Calamansi works if lemon is not available.

2. Papaya enzyme

Look for skin care products with papaya. It contains enzymes which lighten the skin. The papaya soap popularity is not just a trend! The demand is big because it really works on skin lightening. Face wash, exfoliant or serums containing papaya enzyme will assist in achieving even skin tone.

3. Baking soda

Forgo any exfoliation that involves scrubbing grains or beads which might lead to more irritation. Exfoliation with baking soda is so mild you can even do it three times a week. Just think about it – makes the teeth whiter, so exfoliating with it regularly will lighten pimple marks. Take a tablespoon of baking soda mixed w two tablespoons of water, form a paste and apply to the face in circular motions, spending more time to the affected area.

4, Microdermabrasion

This works best on pimple marks which are sunken or somewhat cratered. You might need a session of treatments depending on the severity of the scars. A dermatologist will decide with you. It is a bit painful and feels like sandpaper to the skin but really effective on deeper scars so don’t schedule anything after.

5. Chemical peel

Layers of acid are applied to the entire face and Depending on the severity of your scars. Dermatologist or professional applies the acid to your face with a cotton swab and lets it dry between coats. In a day or two, you start to shed layers of skin. This works best on pimple marks in large areas like the back for example.

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