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Waxing vs Tweezing vs Threading Your Brows

By: Amanda Padilla


Pros: Waxing is a very good option for someone with virgin brows, or brows that have been grown out, because a professional actually shaped them into its best possible version of themselves. Shaping the brows, and getting them symmetrical, is not easy and best left to professionals. The brows look very clean after getting them waxed because all the little hairs and dead skin cells get lifted off from the skin. Hair regrowth is much slower with waxing. 

Cons: Probably the most expensive method of the three. Time consuming because you have to leave the house and make an appointment with a brow technician. Also, the most painful  of the three with the longest downtime. Can cause swelling and redness.


Pros: The cheapest brow shaping method- all you need is a good pair of tweezers, a mirror and good lighting. You do it yourself, at home, so it is the most convenient as well. Tweezing is a great way to keep your brows from looking decent in between professional brow shaping sessions.

Cons: Time consuming because you have to pluck brow hairs one at a time. People have a tendency to go overboard when tweezing so they end up with thinner brows than they would like. 


Pros: Threading is a method of grooming brows, and other parts of the face like upper lip and hairline, that in gaining popularity. A circular piece of thread is twisted multiple times, when hair gets caught in the coil it is pulled off. The end result is a clean brow because it removes even the tiniest of hairs. It is all over very quickly, with mild discomfort and hardly any redness on the skin after. Not very expensive. 

Cons: Not very convenient because you have to have it done by a professional. If you have very thick brow hair then it could be quite painful. 



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