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How to Prevent Ingrown Hairs

By: Amanda Padilla

The bane of my existence. Nothing bugs me like ingrown hairs. I have spent many an hour scratching, tweezing, poking and pricking these ingrowns on my legs but they would always come back. As long as I shaved, waxed or used an epilator, they would be there. A couple years ago, I decided it was time to end this once and for all. Here’s what worked for me.

Get laser hair removal. Pricey option but if you want ingrowns gone for good then this is the best way to eliminate a huge percentage of getting them.

Exfoliate. Do this regularly. Ingrown hair is caused when there is a thick layer of dead skin cells sitting on the surface of the skin that prevents new growing hair from breaking through it. Exfoliate a day before hair removal and two days after. Generally, you want to be exfoliating once or twice a week. My favorite scrub options are ones that are either sugar, salt or oatmeal based. You could also use a scrub glove or a washcloth.

Shave with the grain. Yes, you’ve been shaving the wrong way. Shave downwards with a sharp blade, dull blades can cause ingrowns as well, and rinse the blade after every pass. Try to keep your strokes to a minimum to irritate skin as little as possible.

Dry Brushing. Use a long-handled brush that uses natural hairs as bristles. Before taking a shower in the morning, start at the feet and brush upwards, toward the heart. After showering use oil or moisturizer on the skin. Do this daily.

For existing ingrowns, don’t be afraid to use a needle to lift the stuck hair gently from under the skin. After that you can either leave it there or tweeze it out. Make sure to use clean instruments to prevent any irritation to the skin.

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