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Things You Shouldn’t Do When You Have a Zit

As someone who has battled serious acne since my teens, I have a deep relationship with pimples. Now in my 40s, I know what to do and what not to do when an eruption appears on my skin. Today, I’ll tell you what you should NOT do when you have a zit.

1. Don’t pop your pimple.

It is the temptation no one can resist! But resist it you must because when you pop that zit, bacteria will enter the wound and you’re just asking for a bigger infection. When I have a pimple, I have learned to wait patiently for it to ripen and heal. If I can’t wait because I have an event, then I go to the derma to deal with it. However, I’m no saint. There are times I simply can’t resist squeezing that about-to-erupt volcano. When I do give in, I quickly disinfect the wound (try VMV ID Monolaurin Gel, P875) and then cover it with the bandage-like COSRX Acne Pimple Master Patch, P200 for 24 patches.

The patch seals in the wound, preventing more bacteria from coming in and then draws out bacteria that did get in the wound. It also sucks out blood and pus. It sounds so gross but the next day, my pimple is flat and gone!

2. Don’t scrub it away.

Pimples may be caused by bacteria but that doesn’t mean you should go overboard on your cleansing routine. Yes, exfoliation is great for preventing dead skin cells from clogging pores but if you use a scrub, you will only irritate inflamed skin even more. Instead, use a cleanser with salicylic acid, like the COSRX Salicylic Acid Daily Gentle Cleanser, P500. It will rid your skin of dirt and oil while gently sloughing off dead skin. Even better is a cleanser that has glycolic acid, too, like the Vichy 3-in-1 Cleanser, P995 which will also smoothen and brighten skin.

3. Don’t apply hot compress.

Remember: heat expands, cold contracts. If you apply a hot compress on your pimple, it will just get redder and more inflamed. I guess ice may help in constricting the blood vessels, but I haven’t tried that. What I have tried is applying a pimple gel on top of the offending volcano. Depending on the ingredients (benzoyl peroxide and tea tree oil kill bacteria), the zit usually is healed quickly. Try Human Nature Acne Defense Solution Gel, P200.

Speaking of applying stuff on pimples, another don’t I must add to this list is “Don’t fall for pimple myths!” That means don’t apply toothpaste on your zit. Toothpaste is for teeth. Its tingly sensation makes you think it’s working but you’re just irritating the skin more.

Another pimple myth is washing your face with your first ever menstrual blood will prevent acne. Well, I did this. First day of my period, my mother told me to wet my bloodied underwear and rub it all over my face. As I said in my first paragraph, I have battled with acne for decades so obviously this does not work!

Text by: Frances Sales

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