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The Right Food to Eat to Keep Your Skin Healthy and Glowing


By: Cat Juan Ledesma

Many of us are willing to invest in expensive creams to keep wrinkles away, but it’s important to remember that what you put under your skin through your food choices is just as crucial to what you slather on top. Here are some food items not to be ignored if you’re on a quest for healthy glowing skin.


Lemon has been noted for years to be good for your body. Just ask supermodel Miranda Kerr who swears by drinking lemon water. This is because citrus, when ingested by your body, actually becomes alkaline: the opposite of acidic. A warm cup of water with a slice of lemon first thing in the morning or after ingesting a heavy meal helps get rid of bloating is a great way to give your skin and body an anti-oxidant boost before your busy day.


Rich in Omega 3, these little guys are great for helping keep skin plump and glowing. We recommend choosing sardines as the healthier breakfast choice over processed meats like corned beef or bacon. Be sure to also go for the ones canned in olive oil for an added omega serving.


Packed with anti-oxidants and good for your vitamins like vitamin A, which helps with your body’s ability to regulate oil production. Blueberries are one fruit that should be a regular on your grocery list. If you’re worried that fresh ones are difficult to find in our tropical country, fret not, the frozen variety are just as good for you and can last much longer in your freezer.


This leafy green is one of the new popular kids in the health food trend and rightfully so, it’s got an A plus when it comes to good for you items like beta-carotene, iron, vitamins A & C, which all help neutralize free radicals and keep your body running properly. Enjoy it fresh or have it baked with some olive oil and a little sea salt for a much healthier alternative to potato chips.


Time to load up on this sexy shellfish. Oysters are high in zinc which helps keep nails, hair, and eyes bright and healthy. They also have lots of omega 3, calcium, and vitamin C, which keep bones strong and free radicals away.

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