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How to Style Unwashed Hair

By Cat Juan Ledesma

You head to the salon for an amazing full-bodied blow out, but have no time (or money) to head back the next day, here are ways to extend your shiny hair by playing with a number of other styles before your next wash.

  1. Put your hair in a semi ponytail:A semi pony disguises the limpness of the hair but still lets the strands shine away.  
  1. Take the curling iron out for a spin:curling your hair works best when your hair is already coated in some oils to protect sensitive strands from the intense heat. It also gives your curls more hold. So give your hair a few sprinkles of a dry shampoo then curl away!
  1. Braid it up:After you’ve shown your hair off with curls, take advantage of those waves by now braiding your hair in a French braid or a fishtail braid. Here’s a great video on how to do a fish tail: 
  1. Bun it high: When your hair clearly has seen better days, it’s time twist it way up high and let your beautiful bone structure shine through. If you’re too lazy to take out your braid, you can make a braid bun as well!
  1. Cover it up:When all else fails and it’s really time to hide your hair, pick up a cute bandana and cover it up in a fun little twist.

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