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How to Get Rid of Dark Circles



By: Xeng Zulueta


The dreaded dark under-eye and “what is the best way to cover them” or “get rid them?” is a question I get asked quite often. Before asking how, I always first ask why. Why do you think you have under-eye discoloration? There’s always a make up solution, but that isn’t very long term and I feel I wouldn’t be really doing my job unless I can get down to the real cause of the problem.


  • Hereditary – dark under-eyes is something that runs in the family. If this is the case for your situation, then I’m afraid to let you know that even if you’re stuck with it, there are ways around it.
  • Lifestyle – keeping late nights, lack of sleep, unhealthy eating habits, allergies, not drinking enough water or a combination of one or all of the above lead to dark under-eye circles. If you cant help it because your job requires to be up until wee hours of the morning, then there are preventive ways around it as well.


  • Short term – requires a bit of make up skill and cosmetics. Nothing that concealer can’t fix. Knowing also the color of your under-eye discoloration will determine the shade of concealer to use. As a general guide: orange concealer is used to correct severe or very dark under-eye discoloration. Salmon or peach concealer is used to brighten up the under-eye and can also be mixed with shimmer to create a highlight effect. Use more blush. Trick the eye of the beholder to focus on your cheeks rather than the eye.
  • Long term – caffeine, alcohol and smoking make under-eye discoloration worse. A combination of all three lead to much much worse. Of course we don’t live in a pipe dream and some people really cannot live without at least one. If you can’t quit all the above, try to lessen. I suggest drinking three cups of water for every cup of coffee you drink. Reach for the antihistamine as soon as allergies begin to swell.
  • Preventive – eye creams, sunscreen and no these aren’t to be used whenever you feel like it. These are non-negotiables which you need to apply religiously, and when I say religiously I mean, night and day.

Sometimes it’s one solution, sometimes a combination of two or all of the above. But do know that make up is not enough to get rid of the problem. And when all else fails, only a cosmetologist or dermatologist can fix the problem.  

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