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Hair Thickening

By: Xeng Zulueta

You need not spend a huge amount of money if you want thicker hair. Unless you need a hair transplant, you can do it right at home. It is easy, safe, cost efficient and can be done right in the comfort of your home using ingredients found right in your kitchen. You can do any of these treatments to pamper yourself as well.

  1. Egg protein hair mask. 1-2 eggs depending on the length of your hair. Beat the eggs and apply directly, leave on for 30 minutes, rinse thoroughly with a mild shampoo. This is a great protein mask for all kinds of hair and best done once a week.
  2. Avocado mask. Scoop all the contents of one avocado into a bowl and mash it well. Leave on for 30 minutes. This is great for adding body to limp hair.
  3. Warm olive oil mask. Take some olive oil into a small bowl enough for your length of hair. Heat in a microwave for one minute and apply directly in small batches, be careful not to spill it. Olive oil strengthens the tresses aside from adding body.
  4. Make sure your daily multivitamin includes biotin! Biotin is a great supplement for healthy hair and nails. You can also get biotin supplements if your daily multivitamin does not include it or if you want faster hair growth.
  5. Give yourself a regular scalp massage using essential oils. This promotes healthy circulation and faster growth. Oils made from lavender, rosemary, thyme, jojoba, grapeseed, cedarwood are the best oils for thicker hair.
  6. Virgin coconut oil treatment. Same with the olive oil, warm this up in a bowl prior to application. You may leave it on overnight but make sure you have a plastic shower cap that fits snugly. Rinse thoroughly with a mild shampoo. When I’m at the beach, I just leave it on all day but I put my hair up in a loose bun.
  7. Honey mask. This is one I do regularly, for extra shine to my bleached locks. It’s a great cure for worn out, damaged or colored hair and thickens as well. Apply honey directly and then secure the hair with a shower cap. Honey is not as thick as the oils so this can get messy without a cap. Leave on for 20 minutes. Then rinse off thoroughly. I don’t even use shampoo because it is easy to rinse off. You can also do this right before an event, a party or girls night out.


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